Monday 28 September 2009

Get Over It

During my travels of over 10 weeks, I've met a few interesting people and hung out with old friends and new friends.

One new person - L - I really connected with. Why? Cos we talked about nitty gritty stuff that people generally avoid.

L : So what's the most expensive gift you have received from a guy?
Me : Engagement ring
(and it was ME who changed the subject...till L brought it up hours later...)

L : So you were engaged? What happened?
Me : blah, blah, blah (it's now just a 2 minute spiel cos I can't remember much)
L : So are you over him? (See! I LIKE this straight-to-the-point bluntness!! why beat around the bush?? LOVE IT!)
Me : YES!!!!!!

I just love bluntness. What's the point of small mish-mash talk? Get to the deep stuff that really matters!!

Anyway, you know what the most annoying thing is though??

Although I am totally over it, some of my friends aren't!

I have been told by two brides AFTER THEIR WEDDING, that I could have been a bridesmaid but they didn't know if I could cope!! Like seriously, WTF is that about?? I LOVE WEDDINGS! I am ALWAYS happy to see people getting married and being in love. What did they think I was gonna do? Break down and cry and shoot the groom just cos I have a broken engagement?? PUH-LEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello???

What pisses me off even more is....the fact they tell me AFTER the wedding! What is the point? Does it make me wanna thank them for saving me from wedding meltdown? HARDLY! Just gets me angry cos it means that they don't really know me at all! They couldn't have discussed it with me prior to the wedding??? Don't tell me after then!!!

GOSH, when will this broken engagement crap stop haunting me???

I also missed out on going to the ex's sister's wedding recently! I was invited and then I wasn't. I was raging! WTF? We're grown-up people here!!! Can't we be civilised to each other? That family are just weird!!

But it made ME look bad! EVERYONE was going and EVERYONE was invited.

People : Are you going to the wedding?
Me : No
People look at me like I'm the bitter ex-jilted-fiancee...aww, poor girl, can't cope with going to the wedding...blah blah blah...

(I could have explained why..sometimes I really wanted to...but then, I didn't cos I didn't wanna cause a scene or start some malicious rumours just before her wedding...see, I am CONSIDERATE that way!!)

Anyway, yeah, people get over it! Invite me to your weddings. Let me be the bridesmaid.

Let me catch the bouquet!

Thursday 24 September 2009


Chillin' with my newfound buddies in Taiwan
The guitar is playin'
Music is good
Company is great
Love it

Monday 21 September 2009

My Right Eye

It's infected
It's swollen to the point that it looks closed
I joked that my Chinese eye turned Korean
But I want it to return to normal



Hello From Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Travel tip #1 - If you're a girl like me (= weakling), travel with a guy! They carry your suitcases!

So I spontaneously bought tickets to Taiwan. Arrived the next day, wondering what the heck to do....cos my only contact hadn't received the message that I was arriving on that day...but thank God, she read her messages just before I got there and got me.

Met this random Korean dude who is teaching English in Kaohsiung (= south of Taiwan - where the recent typhoon hit really badly) and the next day, we decided to head up north Taiwan to the capital = Taipei.

In Taipei :-

- Went to the highest building in the world - the 101

- Consumed boiled snake soup *hiss*

- Slept in the dodgiest hostel in this dorm - the Korean guy and 3 Japanese guys and 1 random guy - YES, 5 guys to 1 girl!!!

- Relaxed and chilled at Hot Spring - yes, I know...3rd day of knowing a guy and I have to wear swimwear??? If I had known, I would have worked out more!!

Back down to Kaohsiung today. Chilling in his bachelor pad in his room while he goes to work. Waiting for my friend, the girl, to come get me...

In Kaohsiung, people ride around in scooters. SCARY AS!!!

My girl friend joked that she had taken away my scooter virginity and that I should put that on my facebook update! You crack me up girl!

2 more days here...maybe I will come back...

Friday 11 September 2009

Two Important Rules When In Hong Kong

1. Do not give eye contact to anyone - men will think you're giving them the eye and women will think you're giving them the evils

2. Do not smile at anyone - they will know that you're a foreigner and try and cheat you somehow

- I stupidly walk around looking like a 'silly girl' - looking around like I'm lost...(I usually am though)

Last week, I was happily munching away in a restaurant when this man started talking to me. Note - MAN, not a guy, not a boy. A semi-balding 40-ish man.

He said in Chinese, "Have you eaten here before?" (okay, sounds like a pick-up line when I translate it into English...)

I HAD eaten there the day before, so I said "Yes, I have." and then turned back to my food.


He moved and sat with me.

"My name is Gary." (Gerryyy - if you pronounce it the Chinglish way)
"My name is sexytooth." (Damn, I gave him my real name)

"Are you on school holiday?"

(Seriously WTF? Just imagine IF I am a schoolgirl...why the heck ARE you talking to me??)

"No, I am on annual leave."

...blah blah... by this time, I had lost my appetite as he was staring at me eat...

"I am a TV producer." and handed me his business card.

I think he was expecting me to go "WOW, you work for a TV company??!!" But I didn't.
He probably does under-age porno for pervs...

"Where do you live?"
"Somewhere nearby..."

"Do you have MSN?"
(MSN? Like, haven't you heard of facebook?)

"I am free on Saturday if you want me to take you out and show you around..."

Awkward silence ensues...

"I have to go to work now. But let's be friends."

If my Chinese was better, I would have told him to "PISS OFF!"

Yes, lesson learnt...Now I look like a moody bitch...haha

Wednesday 2 September 2009

currently freezing from aircon and downing an iced drink in quarry bay in hk