Thursday, 29 October 2009

Dear Hater...

Although this blog is relatively new, I have been a blogger for over 5 years; writing and recording events of my life. My previous blog is in another location (if you're interested, private message me and I will send you the link)

Writing is a passion of mine. So my readership grew and grew...

People would send me messages encouraging me to blog and I received compliments, which made me well happy!!

So...imagine my surprise, when I received a message the other day saying my blog is "sh*t"

Yes, ladies and gentleman...I received a HATER message!!!

How can someone say my blog is "sh*t"? OK, people have different opinions and like different things, but "sh*t" is VERY EXTREME!

So here are the reasons why my blog is NOT "sh*t" :-

1. Whatever I blog has actually happened in real life! I have not made up any stories. Some stories sound far-fetched, e.g. previous blog talks about sexual harrassment, ditched by ex-fiance, etc etc BUT THEY ALL HAPPENED!!!

2. If I blog about someone, then any feelings I describe about them are true and what I PERSONALLY feel!

3. If I bitch about anyone in my blog, then please be assured, no names are revealed AND ALSO, whatever I say about them, I have already said it to their faces so I am not secretly bitching about anyone behind their backs!! SERIOUSLY I tell it as it is!!!

4. Hundreds of people have read my blogs...from all different countries...strangers and friends and family...but none of them have ever complained!!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST - If you think my blog is "sh*t", this is really simple - DON'T READ IT THEN DUMBO!!!! Jeeeeeeez...


  1. That's shocking!! Were they too chicken to leave their name as well?

    These types of people are just pathetic... if you don't like it, just don't read it, there's no reason to attack someone. She does not blog for you.

    On the other hand maybe they're just jealous or have a crush on you and are trying to get your attention...

  2. Don't be pissed, celebrate! :P And I'm not being snarky here. When you start receiving hate comments, it means that you've finally made it in the blogging scene :P It really annoyed me when I received my first hate comment, hurt even, but after a while and receiving more, I've decided to turn it to a positive point of view.

    So good for you on receiving your first hate comment. You've made it! ;)

  3. thx girls! =) I guess I need to learn that you can't please everyone!
